Cargo Transportation Monitoring Service

Answer How to verify cargo in truck, tanker or aircraft

“Make sure your goods are properly transported”

What is the Cargo Monitoring Service

The Cargo Monitoring Service is a Logistic Inspection operation which is performed during transportation of your goods. It aims to verify how your goods are carried by your transporters to make sure your products remains in good conditions during transportation and that cargo is not altered during transportation.

Cargo Transportation Inspection service in a Supply Chain Flow

Process Flow Diagram


Why use the Cargo Monitoring Service

When goods are highly valuable or require strict transportation conditions, some variants in those conditions may altered the quality of the goods. Example: cold chain for food, humidity, temperature for animal, or improper driving style for fragile items which can not receive decent packaging. The Cargo Monitoring, helps buyers to ensure their goods are transported in proper condtions all along their journey.

When the Cargo Monitoring Service is occurring

The Cargo Monitoring Service is occuring once the goods are loaded into trucks, plane and up to destination.

Where does the Cargo Survey Service is taking place

The Cargo Monitoring Service will usually takes place into vehicle transporting your goods.

Who conduct the Cargo Monitoring Service

The Cargo Monitoring Servce will be performed by a surveyor.

How does the Cargo Monitoring Service is performed

During a Cargo Monitoring Service the inspector will travel with your goods all along their journey. He will monitor your products, and verify transportation conditions are according to your requirement. If any drift happens, he will record it into his report and you will be informed about it.

Finally, the inspector will write a report including all those data and pictures.

What the Cargo Monitoring Service is checking

During a Cargo Monitoring Service we highly focus on the following:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Driving or Flying time
  • Shock


What is the process for the Cargo Monitoring Service

The Cargo Monitoring Service requires preparation, briefing about your products and understanding of goods type that the inspector will have to monitor during transportation.

To do so, our operational quality team has to prepare a protocol before sending the inspector on site. A briefing is also performed with the inspector before him/her to go on site.

Once on site, the inspector will escort your cargo.

We require our customer to let us know enough in advance if any special requirement is needed.

At the end of the inspection, the inspector will establish a report of what he witnessed.

  • Indicators

    Production completion status
    Probability shipment delayed if reworking needed
    Probability supplier accept reworking the goods

  • Benefits

    • Make sure your goods didn’t suffer during transportation Have a track record of the transport condition
    • Avoid to receive damaged goods witness the transportation of your goods
    • Get an accurate reporting Track your loading

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