Pre-Shipment Inspection Service

How to avoid receiving defective goods from my vendor

“A MUST DO inspection before Shipment for any import operation whatever your business size”

Process Flow Diagram

Pre-Shipment Inspection Services explained in video

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Pre-Shipment Inspection Service Description

  • What is the Pre-Shipment Inspection Service

    The Pre-Shipment Inspection also called Final Random Inspection, Pre-Shipment Check or even Final Quality Control (FQC) in manufacturing environment is a Product Inspection operation which is performed when at least 80% of the production is over.

    It aims to verify quality of production before loading and shipment of the goods, and especially before the balance payment of the goods you are purchasing to be done.

    Why use the Pre-Shipment Inspection Service

    Claim compensation to your supplier might be hopeless once your payment is done and goods are shipped. Therefore, the Pre-Shipment Inspection is an ideal checkpoint tool to protect you against paying for defective goods.

    Because the Pre-Shipment Inspection is performed rather at the end of the production, then the inspection is conducted on a wider spread set of product. Hence, the sampling performed at this stage of the production is necessarily more representative of reality (whole batch) than when performed via a During Production Inspection or an Initial Production Inspection.


  • initial-production-inspection-report

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